PreConnect - Panairi i kafshëve shtëpiake në Azinë Juglindore 2025
PreConnect - Panairi i kafshëve shtëpiake në Azinë Juglindore
PreConnect 3 has ended! Pet Fair South East Asia hosted its third virtual PreConnect event from 16-18 February 2022. 1150 people attended over the three-day period. Importers / Distributors seeking new partnerships on their respective markets constituted the largest group of visitors (28%), followed closely by Veterinarians (23%) and Pet Supply Online Retailers (13%). Pet Shops (10%) were also a significant percentage. Pet Fair South East Asia was able to reach buyers from 55 countries. This is a significant increase in the number of buyers outside the ASEAN region. Next, the Pet Fair South East Asia Community meets in Bankok on October 26-28 2022.
Regjistrohuni për bileta ose kabina
Harta e vendit dhe hotelet përreth
Bangkok - BiTEC | Qendra Ndërkombëtare e Tregtisë dhe Ekspozitave në Bangkok, Bangkok, Tajlandë Bangkok - BiTEC | Qendra Ndërkombëtare e Tregtisë dhe Ekspozitave në Bangkok, Bangkok, Tajlandë