Valve World Azi

Valve World Azi

From July 03, 2024 until July 04, 2024

Në Shanghai - Vend parkimi i Qendrës Ndërkombëtare të Ndihmës në Shanghai, Shanghai, Kinë

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Kategorite Inxhinieri industriale

Tags: Pompat, Valves

Klikime: 18957

Valve World Asia - EN - Expo & Conference

Valve World Asia Expo & Conference. July 3rd and 4th 2024. Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing. Join us for the 10th Valve World Asia Expo & Conference in Shanghai, 2024! Expose and promote your products and brand. Call for papers: Analysing Valves' Full Life Cycle. How to submit a abstract 2024 Valve World Asia Conference steering committee.

In 2005, the first Valve World Asia Conference & Expo was held in China. The biennial event, which has been held in Shanghai and Suzhou 9 times to date, has proven extremely beneficial to all who have participated. The event has been a great success in connecting supply and demand, as well as providing a platform for third party institutes, EPC firms, manufacturers and end users to form relationships and network.

* Diskutoni risitë më të fundit dhe praktikat më të mira për valvulat industriale* Ndani njohuritë me kolegët dhe ekspertët duke i lidhur ata• Përmirësoni të kuptuarit e përdoruesit fundor për pajisjet e specializuara* Promovoni produkte dhe shërbime të reja për klientët ekzistues dhe të rinj.

Full Lifecycle has become a business strategy that is used not only by the valve industry, but in many other fields as well. It is the key to achieving long-term, sustainable development, even within a geopolitical environment which is constantly changing. The 2024 Valve World Asia Conference call for papers will therefore cover the Full Life Cycle concept, meaning that potential speakers are required to submit an abstract based on the topics selected. The international Steering Committee, composed of industry experts, suggests and confirms the topics.