From June 25, 2024 until June 26, 2024

Në Tel Aviv-Yafo - Qendra e Konventës së Tel Avivit, Distrikti i Tel Avivit, Izrael

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- Abilitech

Ekspozita i kushtohet teknologjive, pajisjeve dhe shërbimeve të krijuara për personat me nevoja të veçanta dhe personat me aftësi të kufizuara. Vendndodhja dhe Orari i Hapjes.

Abilitech është ekspozita e vetme e Izraelit kushtuar nevojave të personave me aftësi të kufizuara. Ekspozita Abilitech synon të prezantojë publikun, duke përfshirë personat me aftësi të kufizuara dhe familjet e tyre, me teknologjinë, pajisjet dhe shërbimet që mund të përdoren për t'i ndihmuar ata dhe për të krijuar jetë më e lehtë.

Abilitech will be the first exhibition in Israel to present and reveal a wide range of new products and aids, including those with special designs. It will also showcase complementary services, technological innovations and other innovative technologies that are designed to improve the lives of the disabled.It is an opportunity for us to learn about the latest digital and technological innovations that can help improve our lives. We should all be aware of this, and make use of these technologies and equipment.Abilitech is an opportunity to bring together people with disabilities in a social setting that's fun and interactive. It allows them to share impressions, create a sense of community, and demonstrate their interests as basic members of Israeli society.Abilitech is a collaboration between government institutions, public organizations, and associations who work tirelessly for the welfare of Israelis with special needs and disabilities.The Abilitech Exhibition will be a platform for the promotion and protection of rights of persons with disabilities within Israeli society.We invite you to an exciting and enjoyable two-day event with a large exhibition, professional conference and social events.